Simply the World's Most Powerful, Advanced and Effective PBM Pod

Biophotonica's proprietary
Stim-Cell® technology

BioPhotonica’s proprietary Stim-Cell® technology is designed to optimize and enhance the effects of photobiomodulation (PBM) on cellular health and regeneration. This is achieved by using the most beneficial light wavelengths, delivering effective dosage (power) levels, and employing advanced pulsing protocols. This comprehensive approach ensures that PBM therapy provided through Stim-Cell® technology is remarkably effective and efficient, delivering optimum results.

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The ReGen Pod and Whole-Body Photobiomodulation (PBM)

PBM relies on specific wavelengths of light in the visible (red) and near-infrared spectrum to stimulate cellular activity. When this light energy is absorbed by cells (particularly in the mitochondria), it activates an enzyme called cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) which leads to increased production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP, sometimes referred to as the “energy currency of life” is a cell’s primary source of energy. This boost in ATP and cellular energy helps cells perform cellular processes more effectively including promoting tissue repair, improving metabolism, and stabilizing normal cellular function.

Decrease Inflammation and Pain

PBM has been shown to temper inflammatory pathways, reducing the release of pro-inflammatory compounds and promoting the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines. This helps alleviate inflammation in tissues and reduce pain associated with inflammatory conditions.

Increase Vitality and "Healthspan"

By increasing ATP production and promoting the activity of antioxidant enzymes, PBM helps protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS). This antioxidant effect helps protect the body from disease and slows the progression of age-related decline.

Improved Athletic Performance & Recovery

By giving an ATP-induced energy boost and decreasing inflammation, PBM prior to athletic activity can help to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. PBM aids in athletic recovery by reducing muscle fatigue, accelerating muscle recovery, relieving pain, improving joint health, enhancing blood circulation and reducing delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Futhermore, PBM has been shown to accelerate the healing of injuries such as sprains and strains. Athletes recovering from injuries may benefit from this therapy to speed up their return to training and competition.

Potentially Enhance Cognitive Function

PBM has been investigated as a potential therapy for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and cognitive issues, and while research is ongoing, there is some evidence to suggest that it may offer benefits.

The ReGen Q8

  • Co-Branding


    Biophotonica provides diverse co-branding and customization possibilities tailored to your business needs. We specialize in assisting with design, printing, and the application of personalized emblems. Additionally, we offer expertise in adapting ReGen protocols specifically for your business and incorporating custom soundtracks into your pods.

  • Premier Sound

    Premier Sound

    ReGen Pods are equipped with high quality Rockford Fosgate speakers for a high-quality, immersive audio experience during your sessions.  There is also a headphone jack that when combined with noise-cancelling headphones can provide for a fully enveloping experience.


    In addition to having the ability to stream your own audio via Bluetooth, we also include a selection of on-board nature sound/meditation tracks to provide a soothing escape.  Operators also have the ability to add their own custom sound tracks to make the system uniquely their own.

  • Proven Wavelengths

    Proven Wavelengths

    The ReGen Q8 utilizes a combination of specific wavelengths, including 630nm (red, 30%), 810nm (25%), 850nm (25%), and 940nm (20%). These wavelengths effectively penetrate the body to enhance cellular function and stimulate ATP production. The red light at 633nm primarily influences the surface, making it suitable for cosmetic applications by promoting collagen production.


    In contrast, the infrared wavelengths of 810nm and 850nm penetrate deep into tissues, offering substantial benefits. Current research in Photobiomodulation (PBM) emphasizes the 800-850nm range as the gold standard, with 810nm considered particularly ideal. While 940nm also reaches deep tissues, a higher proportion of energy in this spectrum is converted into heat rather than contributing to ATP production. This makes it effective for pain relief but less efficient in addressing underlying causes.


    It’s worth noting that some manufacturers may highlight the wavelengths they incorporate without disclosing the percentage of each. Claims of using specific wavelengths, such as 810nm, may sometimes involve only a minimal percentage in the overall composition.

  • Self Serve Kiosk

    Self Serve Kiosk

    ReGen pods come equipped with a kiosk featuring the ReGen App, which serves as a comprehensive tool for pod configuration and control. The app also offers a convenient ‘Self Serve’ mode. Upon creating their account in a quick (< 5 minute) process during their first visit, users can easily log in and choose/load their protocol to the pod with just a few keystrokes. This streamlined process ensures a commercially efficient solution with minimal operational overhead.

  • Cloud Connectivity

    Cloud Connectivity

    All ReGen pods come equipped with internet/cloud connectivity, enabling remote diagnostics, feature additions, and protocol updates to align with the ongoing advancements in pulsing research. Our customers seamlessly receive these updates and new features through our cloud server. This functionality also empowers customers to access reports detailing pod usage, collaborate with Biophotonica on custom protocol development, and many other features.

  • Internal Touchpad Control

    Internal Touchpad Control

    Inside the ReGen pod, a touchscreen is integrated to facilitate the (optional) selection, initiation, pausing, or stopping of your protocol session. Moreover, users have the flexibility to choose from internally stored soundtracks using this interface, where they can also control the volume and other settings. This user-friendly interface ensures that individuals can manage all essential controls without the need to exit the pod.

  • Pulsing Protocols

    Pulsing Protocols

    The ReGen Pod enables independent control of its four light wavelengths in terms of power level and pulsing frequency. Power levels are adjustable from 0 (off) to 100 (continuous wave, i.e., full power with no pulsing), expressed as a percentage. Pulsing frequencies can be set within the range of 1 to 50,000+ Hz.


    In the ReGen system, a “protocol step” involves programming the power and pulsing parameters for all four wavelengths over a specific time duration. Multiple protocol steps can be combined to create a comprehensive protocol or program.


    Each ReGen pod comes equipped with over 100 pre-programmed factory protocols, automatically updated as pulsing research advances. Owners also have the capability to develop and program their own proprietary protocols.

  • Highest Dosage

    Highest Dosage

    The ReGen pod is equipped with approximately 15,000 high-power LEDs. However, it’s important to note that the mere LED count is not an accurate gauge of a pod device’s power. The power and arrangement of the LEDs significantly impact the light power delivered at the treatment surfaces, where it truly matters.


    The crucial factor in determining the dosage your body receives is the light power. A higher dosage results in more beneficial light reaching your cells, leading to more effective treatments in shorter time frames.


    In the marketplace, there is a considerable amount of misleading information due to varying measurement techniques. We have conducted tests on the light density of the ReGen at the treatment surfaces, comparing it against major vendors, and consistently demonstrated favorable results.

Most Innovative Product 2023

Acquire the ReGen Pod with affordable payments

  • Introductory Payments of $99/month for the first 6 Months followed by affordable payments for the remainder of the term
  • 12–72-month finance terms
  • Potential tax savings
  • No-hassle application, with credit decision in less than one hour
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How Light Therapy Works?

Light Therapy harnesses the natural phenomenon of photobiomodulation to rejuvenate our bodies and reduce…

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Can Light Therapy become an alternative treatment for Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) result from concussive impacts to the head, such as car crashes, contact sports, or…

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Your Custom Media Kit

At Regen Pod, we believe in the power of personalization to drive impactful marketing. Our operators are equipped with customized marketing materials meticulously crafted to resonate with their unique market needs. Leveraging advanced data analytics and cutting-edge technology, we ensure that each piece of marketing collateral aligns perfectly with the target audience’s preferences and behaviors. From eye-catching visuals to compelling narratives, every element is designed to captivate and convert, empowering our operators to stand out in their markets and achieve exceptional results. Experience the difference with Regen Pod – where tailored marketing meets cutting-edge science for unparalleled success.


Have Questions About Regen Pod Photobiomodulation

What is photobiomodulation (PBM)?

Photobiomodulation (PBM), also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light, between 630-940nm, to stimulate cellular activity, promoting healing and reducing inflammation.

How does photobiomodulation (PBM) work?

Photobiomodulation (PBM) works by penetrating the skin and stimulating cellular mitochondria. This process enhances cellular energy production, accelerates healing, and reduces inflammation, leading to therapeutic benefits.

What conditions can photobiomodulation (PBM) treat?

Photobiomodulation (PBM) has been studied for various conditions, including joint disorders, muscle pain, wound healing, and skin conditions. It can also be used alongside other treatments to enhance therapeutic outcomes.

Is photobiomodulation (PBM) safe?

Yes, photobiomodulation (PBM) is generally safe. However, it’s crucial to be aware of contraindications and consult a healthcare professional before use.

How long does a photobiomodulation (PBM) session last?

Our programs are set around 18 minutes, but operators can adjust the duration up or down based on individual preferences and treatment goals.

How soon can I expect to see results from photobiomodulation (PBM)?

Results vary depending on the condition being treated. Some people report improvements after a few sessions, while others may require several weeks of consistent therapy. Individual responses to photobiomodulation (PBM) can differ.

Can stacking modalities be beneficial in photobiomodulation (PBM)?

Yes, combining photobiomodulation (PBM) with other therapies can enhance therapeutic effects. Stacking modalities can be particularly beneficial when addressing complex or multifaceted health issues.

Are UV light and PBM light the same?

No, UV (Ultraviolet) light and PBM (Photobiomodulation) light are different. UV light falls within a specific range of the electromagnetic spectrum and is invisible to the human eye. PBM light operates between 630-940nm, encompassing visible red and near-infrared light. PBM focuses on stimulating cellular activity for therapeutic purposes, while UV light is known for its germicidal properties and is commonly used in disinfection applications.

Interested In a ReGen Pod

Please fill out the form below or call 800-771-2176 so we can answer all your questions including installation requirements, lead times and potential upgrades.